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Alice in the Country of Hearts, Vol. 1
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The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger
Mild spoilers

More like a 2.5. I heard so much about this going into it everyone loved it. To be honest it didn't sweep me away till about 30 pages toward the end.

My main problems were Henry and Clare plus there cast of hip,hip friends. We have fancy dinners and talk about anarchy, but we are all upper middle class and have no prob cashing those checks to keep us right there, all comfortable. Was it supposed to be social satire of all those sell out 90's punks? I hope it was supposed to be funny because Henry and Clare were the to most selfish pretentious assholes I've read about lately.

Henry leaves his alcoholic dad alone for months living in filth, but I guess his stereotypical Asian landlady loves to serve so you know whatever. I was bothered by his time traveling back to Clare's childhood dude you're fucking with her life. Henry also has a pretty serious drug and alcohol problem that disappears when Clare shows up? No twelve stepping for Henry all he needs is the love of a good woman.

Clare you selfish, selfish bitch. They have to have a child even though the child will time travel. Look at how rough Henry had it but no we have to do this all over again? Also she messes with her best friends man not once, but twice. Then unburdened herself to Henry 15 years later to make herself feel better. For being so spiritual early on Clare you are lacking moral fiber.

The writing was good though. I wanted to like this some much more. It felt the story was going nowhere for a about a hundred pages until the end. I was genuinely sad when Henry died. I even cried a bit. Over all I'm dissatisfied though.