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Alice in the Country of Hearts, Vol. 1
QuinRose, Beni Axia Conrad, Soumei Hoshino
Red Seas Under Red Skies
Scott Lynch, Michael Page
The Mists of Avalon
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Dune - Frank Herbert


I did really like this book. A few things kept it from being a 4 star. The first being parts of this book were deeply boring. Especially the middle. The end was great, but mid way point I wanted to dnf several times. My second gripe is a more personal one. I hate looking up words or footnotes it takes me right out of the story. If I genuinely don't know a word and have to look it up my bad, but this book has a glossary of made up terms several pages long. I can see why this book is liken to Tolkien you are several hundred pages in and only a couple of days have past. The end of the book had a quicker pace and kept me more invested in the story. I can see why it's a Sci Fi classic, but I'm more of a fantasy girl. Personal taste. I probably won't finish the series, but I'd urge Sci Fi lovers to read this.